The Strategy identifies and prioritises threats and opportunities; provides for the establishment of strong government machinery under our new National Security Council to deal with national security issues and to boost our intelligence and assessment capability; and maps out the main Pillars for securing Vanuatu’s future.
The Strategy, which was developed following a wide range of consultations, underlines our aspirations for a stable, sustainable and prosperous Vanuatu, as set out in the People’s Plan 2016-2030. It is fully aligned with Vanuatu’s national, regional and international goals and commitments.
The Strategy embraces the broad concept of security now widely accepted regionally and internationally, which in addition to traditional security issues includes challenges such as climate change and national disasters, cyber security, and human security.
We will build our capacity and resilience to mitigate security risks, and to deter threats to our sovereignty, independence and society. We will work with our communities to address domestic crimes, and will reform our security forces. We are committed to human rights, justice and the rule of law, and to our non-aligned foreign policy and the promotion of a rules-based global system.
Vanuatu must use its limited resources wisely. We are fortunate to have the support of a number of security partners as well as regional and international organisations, and will work with them closely.
The Strategy equips Vanuatu to succeed in this volatile world. Globally, the strategic environment is increasingly uncertain. Change is unpredictable, rapid and often large-scale, bringing with it both threats and opportunities.
Vanuatu has a strong interest in a secure and prosperous Pacific Islands region. While the region is relatively peaceful and stable, it faces a number of challenges, some of which are becoming more acute.
The region is becoming more complex as competition for influence grows. Our country shares many of the vulnerabilities of its Pacific Islands neighbours. At the same time, it has a number of strengths, notably strong social cohesion underpinned by traditional values.
The Strategy sets out 10 Pillars, covering security challenges and capabilities, which capture what we are doing to meet our national security objectives, and what further action we need to take. Under each pillar are listed “Action Plan” items, which outline specific government commitments for action to be taken in the near term, and “Government Directions”, which outline the broad approach being taken to strengthen security in relation to that issue.